"Ukrainian Castles" Award
"Ukrainian Castles" Award has been instituted by Obukhov Radioclub "Delta" in Kiev oblast and will be given to any amateur radio operator or SWL for two-way QSO with radiostations working form fortresses, or adjacent territory in radius no more than 1 km, located on territory of Ukraine.
To obtain the award is need to carry out one radioexpedition to a castle or have QSO with 3 such radioexpeditions.
Repeater contacts with different operators, on different bands and mode are valid.
"Ukrainian Fortresses" Award
"Ukrainian Fortresses" Award has been instituted by Obukhov Radioclub "Delta" in Kiev oblast and will be given to any amateur radio operator or SWL for two-way QSO with radiostations working form fortresses, or adjacent territory in radius no more than 1 km, located on territory of Ukraine.
To obtain the award is need to carry out one radioexpedition to a castle or have QSO with 3 such radioexpeditions.
Repeater contacts with different operators, on different bands and mode are valid.
The application for diploma is based on the received QSL cards and certified by signatures of two licensed radiohams.
The application may be sent to award manager by e-mail: ur7ut@mail.ru
or by post:
Beresnev Sergey Mikhailovich, P.O.Box 73, Obukhov-2, Kiev oblast, 08702 Ukraine
Awards fee is 3 USD, souvenir pennants fee is 1,5 USD.
HOME PAGE: http://deltaclub.org.ua