The weekly newsletter I.C.P.O. Calendar - (Islands, Castles & Portable Operations) by Dave VA3RJ

Homepage of radio hams Karel OK1TIR. The active operator from castles and fortresses for program Czech Castles Award.

Homepage of radio hams Vaclav OK2AN. The active operator from castles and fortresses for program Czech Castles Award.

Web-site to program DFCF, author Jean-Pierre F6FNA

K1BV DX Award Directory

Award PZK & WORLD by Polish Amateur Radio Union

Homepage of Carlo IK6CAC. Software for award programm DCI, foto, and etc...

Homepage of Jean-Louis F1AGW. Software for Castles award programm.

Homepage of Radio Club RZ1CWC. Castles On The Air - Russia - Team (COTA-RU-Team).

COTA-Team-Germany (Castles on the air)

Homepage of radio hams Gerd DL5AWI. The active operator from castles and fortresses for program COTA-Team-Germany.

GPDX - Grupo Portugues DX

UA1AIR Design