"Castles on the Air - Russia " (COTA-RU), Russia.
"Czech Castles Award" (CCA), Czech Republic.
"Diplome des Forts et Chateaux de France" (DFCF), France.
"Belgium Castles Award" (BCA), Belgium.
“Zamki w Polsce” (ZWP), Poland.
"Slovakia Castles Award" (SCA), Slovakia.
“Castles On The Air Team – Germany” (COTA-DL), Germany.
“Ukraine Castles and Fortress Awards” (UCFA), Ukraine.
“Castles and Palaces of Belarus Award" (CPBA), Belarus.
"Castles On The Air - Netherland" (COTA-NL), Netherlands.
“Diploma Dei Castelli d’Italia” (DCI), Italy.
“Castles And Stately Homes On The Air” (CASHOTA), Great Britain.
"Castles And Stately Homes On The Air - Ireland" (CASHOTA-EI), Ireland.
"Castles and Fortresses of Portugal" (DCFP), Portugal.
"Hungarian Castles Series " (HCS) , Hungary.
“Swiss-French Castle Award-Diplome des Chateaux de la Suisse-Romande” (SFCA-DCSR), Switzerland.
“Le Diplome des Chateaux Suisse” (DCS-SSD), Switzerland.